Monday, February 17, 2025

Snow, and lots of it.


Welp, it snowed here.  

A lot. 

Almost all day yesterday, in fact.  I kid you not. 

It's hard to say how much we got because then it decided to get windy.  

So all that snow started blowing. 

Well, not all of it.  But enough. 

I cleaned my car off yesterday at 11am when it was about 4" deep. By this morning it had almost a foot of free accumulation meant cleaning the car off, again

And I also had to dig it out because the guy who plowed our driveway plowed it in.   Why? There simply wasn't anywhere to put what came off the driveway. 


The good news is, the sun is out so surfaces are at least getting some warmth.  

The bad news is, that some of the snow is melting to ice. 

But we know what we signed up for when we moved here. 

The better news is it's February 17, so March 1st is coming. 

And if March 1st is fast approaching, I need to stop writing this and start packing. 


  1. Ugh, indeed. I hate snow! Hope it all disappears before the move... Jx

  2. My family sent me pictures of the snow on Warrensville Center Rd., but a friend in Geauga county was really snowed under!


Snow, and lots of it.

  Welp, it snowed here.   A lot.  Almost all day yesterday, in fact.  I kid you not.  It's hard to say how much we got because then it d...